May 2023 Check-In!

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Originally published in February, this news story has been updated for May!

As you guys probably noticed, and as explained in the last news story, I've restricted myself to one comic a week until I've caught up with mailing out pawnz and bookmarks to eligible Defenders, and have sent Book 22 (R&D WARS) to the printer. I'm over a year behind on both projects and that is too long!

I've broken the "Pawnz and Bookmarks" situation into five sets. Here's where we stand...
SET1: 2021-11,12, 2022-01 (Edda, Anise, Farahn): Mailed! (ALSO DIGITALLY RELEASED)
SET2: 2022-02,03,04 (Yffi, Chilus, Ozzid): Mailed! (ALSO DIGITALLY RELEASED)
SET3: 2022-05,06,07,08 (Olebelle, Basphomy, DemonKiki, Aylee) Mailed! (ALSO DIGITALLY RELEASED)

SET4: 2022-09,10,11,12 Off to the printers! (See below, Heart-1 has been renamed Siphy, 'cause "f" Farahn.)


SET 5: 2023-01,02,03,04: A fully R&D Wars set! (See below) Will be sent to printer soon once set 4 goes out!

Set 5

My plan going forward is to send these out three times a year. If I can get Set 5 out by the end of May I will be back and on time with regards to Pawnz & Bookmarks!

Current and Upcoming Pawnz & Bookmarks:

May 2023- the Tragic "Ink Angel" form of Edda.
Going for a design match to "Siphy Book Mummy" above.
June 2023- Agent N'aaaw
Human form!
July 2023- Kira the Chain Serpent
Rounding out our 3 hearts set.

---BOOK 22, "R&D WARS"---

I've tackled all of the scripting and designing of bonus content, bonus story, cover, and intro pages. Despite having "more to show" on the Pawnz & Bookmark front, what I've been doing for the creative additions to book 22 are what were the most nebulous and took the most blood sweat and tears. Now that's the hard part is done for getting the book to the printers, it's being preempted by the creative work on the current comics. Even though it's only one comic a week, things are coming to a crescendo with Immortal King. So I'm constantly pivoting focus right now.


Short version: The tough parts of getting book 22 completed have been conquered. But the executions of those designs will be time consuming and I'm still not in a good position to estimate when it will be done.

I'm anxious to get back to more comics each week, and I deeply appreciate your support through this and through all the recent turbulence. I'm lucky and honored to have you guys. We will get there!


    • randomlanguage

      Yes, we'll get there!

      • Sigma_100

        Heck yeah, I'm glad to hear the extra time/space you've given yourself is paying dividends! Looking forward to a return to more frequent comic updates, of course, but I'm so so glad you're slowly un-burying yourself from this piled up work hanging 'round your neck and weighing you down. Really wish I was able to get myself to such a headspace where I could pull off a similar feat for my own work-related albatross.

        • joshuawilhoyte

          Take care of yourself, man

          • Spirantz

            Good progress! You can doooo eeeeet!!!!

            • randomlanguage

              Good luck, Pete! You can do it :⁠-⁠)