Results for "near Chicago, IL"



  • The End of 2023 and the Things Beside the Comic Itself

    Can I walk and chew gum at the same t...tories and fewer characters will hopefull...ndly goodness (check your email level 6 C...y created one comic a week while trying t...and harder to run a store while keeping...

  • Sluggy Turns 26!!!

    Another anniversary? It feels like the 25th hands from the printer and its perfect! It will still be a mon...ted! They're in the archives right now! THANKS ZILLATAIN! 5t...

  • Quick post for the August Pawnz and Bookmark!

      Hey guys! A quick "head's-up!" I'm trying to keep up with announcing Pawnz & Bookmarks on a timely basis so here's the one for August 2023! More details in two weeks for Sluggy's 26th anniversary! And, side-note, Book 22 is being printed NOW!!!

  • May 2023 Check-In!

    Originally published in one comic a week until I've caught up with mailing out pa...Edda, Anise, Farahn): Mailed! (ALSO...ut by the end of May I will be back...tions of those designs will be time...

  • I Fought the Time and the Time Won.

    Here's references for "Krohnus" and "Pe...n going for me lately. Speeding by while my creat...find myself over a year behind on mailing out ph..., is off to the printers. How long will this tak...


    Victory Lap! I can't tell you how jaw-dropp...nough to do this for 25 years. This milestone is...ed strip. But with the help of my family, we came...then and the amazing Defenders are still supporti...

  • The Missing Pawnz of 2022

    I'm finally, finally, FINALLY making headway on Pawnz and Bookmarks! Below are al...uly's Demon Kiki! At level 3 or higher you'll also get a print-version mailed mailed to you...

  • Retcon Time!

    So I missed some parts of continuity in the last strip or three. It happens, especi...ips, even though it has no bearing on the main thrust of the story. This will effectiv...

  • What I did in February

    What did I do in February? Why I almost got on top of the pile!!! AUCTI...big "catch-up" original art auction will start Ma...y (and sometimes the cover) so its still a while...

  • Pete's February 2022 Check In!

    Hey all! Most of you long time readers have p...Pawnz Postcards and bookmarks have failed to comp...job because they've been aces up until this poin...need a few strips more. But that's still going to...
